Combining Intensive Service Offerings with Recurring Revenue with Hunter Niland Welling
Combining Intensive Service Offerings with Recurring Revenu…
Today, I'm talking to Hunter Niland Welling – marketing consultant and coach for women growing high-end service-based businesses. I wanted …
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Combining Intensive Service Offerings with Recurring Revenue with Hunter Niland Welling
December 15, 2020

Combining Intensive Service Offerings with Recurring Revenue with Hunter Niland Welling

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Today, I'm talking to Hunter Niland Welling – marketing consultant and coach for women growing high-end service-based businesses. I wanted to bring Hunter on the podcast because she has a way of working with her clients that, when I experienced it as a cl

Imagine your ideal way of working with a client.

For me, it's working ALL in on a single project. I'm someone who likes going 100% or 0%. I'm either all in or I want to shut my brain completely off.

What does it look like for you?

This month, we've been talking about creative offerings and pricing strategies this month and thinking generally about how we offer and price our services. I talked to Kate Strathmann in Episode 59 about using pricing strategies to create more equitable businesses.

I also talked with Rob Howard in Episode 60 about how to create offerings that build recurring revenue and strengthen relationships, even in an industry that's traditionally very project-oriented.

Today, I'm talking to Hunter Niland Welling, my business’ Chief Marketing Officer.

She is a marketing consultant and coach for women growing high-end service-based businesses. I wanted to bring Hunter on the podcast because she has a way of working with her clients that, when I experienced it as a client, was so effective that I actually shifted my OWN work with my 1:1 clients to the same model.

Hunter has created what I like to call Recurring Intensives. It is a PERFECT model for folks like Hunter and me who REALLY like to go all in and work in an intensive style while building long-term relationships with their clients and creating recurring revenue.

If you're unfamiliar with intensives or intensive-style offerings—which you might also hear referred to as VIP days or a Buy-My-Day kind of offering—they are short, very dedicated time blocks that are normally used to implement a specific project.

What Hunter and I do is create one of these VIP days every month for our clients. Each month, we spend an entire day dedicated to a single client. This format works well for us because we get to work in a way that feels right for us but it also benefits the client because they get to see results immediately without wasting a ton of time in meetings. For the client, it's short and sweet and then the results show up that same day.

If you want to get a better idea of some different intensive formats, take a listen to Episode 12 where I talked to Ashley Gartland and Hailey Thomas about the different ways they've implemented intensive-style offerings in their businesses.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How to combine intensive-style offerings with recurring revenue
  • How Hunter developed intensives as the right model for her and her clients
  • The kind of impact she's seen on both her business AND her clients as a result of implementing recurring intensives

Learn more about Hunter Welling:

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We value your thoughts and feedback. Feel free to share them with Susan here. Your input is not just valuable, it's crucial in shaping future episodes.

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