Defaulting to Simple with ScaleSpark Founder, Susan Boles
Defaulting to Simple with ScaleSpark Founder, Susan Boles
If you can’t figure out how to break the ceiling and scale your business, then you should listen to this podcast with ScaleSpark Founder, S…
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If you can’t figure out how to break the ceiling and scale your business, then you should listen to this podcast with ScaleSpark Founder, Susan Boles.

Key takeaways:
Why the tech that promises to make your life easier can just be another complication

If you’re struggling to keep your head above water in your business and you can’t figure out how to break the ceiling and scale your business, then you should listen to this Break the Ceiling podcast with ScaleSpark Founder, Susan Boles. 


In the first few episodes of this series, Susan has focused on tackling default decisions, those decisions that you might have made in your business without thinking about them or realising that you had another choice. 


“Default decisions aren't necessarily good decisions or the right decision for your business.”


In the upcoming episodes however, Susan switches the focus from default decisions to opting out and why she advocates ‘Default to Simple’, the touchstone she uses when trying to figure out the solution to any problem in her own business, or her clients businesses. 


Because often, the next thing you have to do in your business process is just really simple. 


But before we go ahead and begin the next chapter, if you didn’t get the chance to listen to our series on default decisions, definitely go back and dig into them because they frame the upcoming episodes on opting out, and get you thinking about alternative options that you might not have considered in your business.


On today’s podcast:

  • Why the tech that promises to make your life easier can just be another complication
  • Why your business needs processes
  • Why writing a list allows you to keep it simple
  • How to simplify your process to get paid by opting out
  • Why opting out is such a powerful tool
  • Future guests on the podcast for the opting out theme


We value your thoughts and feedback. Feel free to share them with Susan here. Your input is not just valuable, it's crucial in shaping future episodes.

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