Hiring, Selecting Business Partners, and Growing a Team That Enables Maintenance Mode with India Jackson
Hiring, Selecting Business Partners, and Growing a Team Tha…
India started off her career as a model and bodybuilder and evolved that into an agency where she now leads a team. We talk about her evolu…
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Hiring, Selecting Business Partners, and Growing a Team That Enables Maintenance Mode with India Jackson
June 01, 2021

Hiring, Selecting Business Partners, and Growing a Team That Enables Maintenance Mode with India Jackson

Play Episode

India started off her career as a model and bodybuilder and evolved that into an agency where she now leads a team. We talk about her evolution as a leader and how hiring and finding the right fit was critical to the growth of her agency and for her to be

In order to be completely away from your business for any length of time, you probably need to hire someone. Or maybe a few someones.

In the last episode, I talked to Jason Staats about how he uses technology to help him keep his 4 different ongoing projects in maintenance mode, but hiring is also part of his maintenance strategy. He comes up with the ideas, figures out the tools, then hires someone to monitor and maintain.

Technology and Team are the two most powerful resources you have when it comes to operating your business in maintenance mode.

Technology allows you to make sure your team is doing only the most high-value tasks and having that team in place means that someone is there to monitor the autopilot, make decisions on the fly, and keep the trains rolling.

Having a team you can turn to, and someone you can trust to monitor the autopilot can be the last, very critical, piece of maintenance mode. And it's the piece that allows you to truly step away, and know that things are taken care of, even if you aren't there to be the one to take care of them.

Meet India Jackson. She's the CEO of Flaunt Your Fire, a brand visibility agency, and co-founder of Pause on the Play, a podcast and community dedicated to visibility and vulnerability for inclusive leaders. 

India started off her career as a model and bodybuilder and evolved that into an agency where she now leads a team. We talk about her evolution as a leader and how hiring and finding the right fit was critical to the growth of her agency and for her to be able to step back from doing all the things. 

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How India began building a team to fill in gaps in her skill sets, and how her mindset on delegation has changed in her 10+ years in business 
  • Why she hires client support staff for their empathy and not just their resume 
  • How India approaches partnerships and hiring with a values mindset, from full transparency in job listings to explicitly asking about values in interviews
  • Why your brand or company values have to be broken down into actions you take every day, with clarity on what impact you want to have 

Learn more about India Jackson:

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