How Personal Resilience Builds Business Resilience with Melody Wilding
How Personal Resilience Builds Business Resilience with Mel…
You know that the ability to be resilient and flexible in the face of change IS a skill and a mindset that you can work on. You can't contr…
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You know that the ability to be resilient and flexible in the face of change IS a skill and a mindset that you can work on. You can't control the change (because change is inevitable!)—but you can control how you react to it. Today, Melody and I talk abou

As founders and business owners, we tend to build businesses that reflect us.

Our strengths become the strengths of our business. And, yep, our weaknesses become the weaknesses of the business… because we’re the ones who are building it.

That’s why investing in developing skills to strengthen how we personally deal with change creates a huge impact on how we approach leading our businesses through change.

If you listened to the episode with Elatia Abate, you know that the ability to be resilient and flexible in the face of change IS a skill and a mindset that you can work on. You can't control the change (because change is inevitable!)—but you can control how you react to it.

On today’s episode, I’m talking with Melody Wilding. Melody is a former therapist turned leadership and executive coach for smart, sensitive high-achievers who are tired of getting in their own way.

Melody is a licensed social worker and a former researcher at Rutgers University. She is also a professor of Human Behavior at Hunter College and she has a group coaching program all about building resilience.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How Melody uses systems and structures to help minimize stress, build resilience and manage change in her life and business
  • Why being kind to yourself and empathetic to your team is a HUGE part of effectively managing a rapidly changing environment
  • How to accept that during intense change, your bandwidth is a LOT smaller than it was
  • Techniques and systems to building personal and business resilience in your own life
  • How to find the right structures that minimize your mental load so you can take care of you and your team

Learn more about Melody:

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