Make Financial Choices and Business Decisions Based on Your Definition of Success with Brian Plain
Make Financial Choices and Business Decisions Based on Your…
Brian helps clients figure out what to do with their finances and helps them figure out a plan to meet their financial goals. A lot of that…
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Make Financial Choices and Business Decisions Based on Your Definition of Success with Brian Plain
January 26, 2021

Make Financial Choices and Business Decisions Based on Your Definition of Success with Brian Plain

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Brian helps clients figure out what to do with their finances and helps them figure out a plan to meet their financial goals. A lot of that work means really examining what success means, what enough means, and recognizing that, even with a good financial

The choices we make about how to earn, save and spend our money all ultimately come down to how we think and feel about money - and work.

And whether or not you're "successful" with your financial choices is all a matter of your perspective. That’s why understanding and thinking about how you define success has a lot to do with whether or not you're satisfied—or feel successful—with your finances.

If you live in the US, you live in a capitalist society that equates accumulation of money with success. The default assumption is that more money is better and that success is accumulating as much money as you possibly can.

But examining that definition of success and figuring out if that's YOUR definition of success can be really powerful when it comes to handling your own finances - and can help shape your priorities and values that help define your own financial choices.

That's a lot of what my guest today does with his clients. Meet Brian Plain. Brian is an Investment Advisor Representative with Gradient Advisors, LLC an SEC Registered Investment Advisory firm located in Arden Hills, Minnesota.

Brian helps clients figure out what to do with their finances and helps them figure out a plan to meet their financial goals.

A lot of that work means really examining what success means, what enough means and recognizing that, even with a good financial plan, as soon as you walk out the door with your plan, it'll change. But that doesn't mean you failed. 

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How to examine your financial values and create your OWN definition of success and failure when it comes to your financial decisions
  • What does "success" look like when it comes to managing your money?
  • How to incorporate what we really care about into our financial choices

Learn more about Brian Plain:

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