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May 4, 2021

Shift Your Model To Get Your Business to Maintenance Mode with Mark Butler

Instead of shutting his business down and starting over when he realized that something needed to change for him, Mark Butler created a complementary business with a different business model–one that was designed for mainten…
April 27, 2021

The Maintenance Mode Mindset: Stop Breaking Your Business with Racheal Cook

One of the biggest challenges of getting your business into maintenance mode is your mindset. HOW do I get out of my own way? HOW do I stop getting distracted by every new idea that pops into my head? How do I keep mysel…
April 20, 2021

Finka Jerkovic - Assessing + Addressing Your Capacity as Founder

Finka Jerkovic was forced by burnout and exhaustion to re-assess her capacity as a founder Managing her own energy as a business owner has been crucial in making sure that she is building a business that is supporting he…
April 13, 2021

Assessing Your Business' Capacity with Anna Wolf

When Anna ran up against her capacity ceiling, she decided that she loved the work she was doing and didn't really want to change the way that she was working. But that something still had to change.
April 6, 2021

Startup vs Maintenance CEO: Is it One or the Other? with Sarah Avenir

What the journey from being a startup CEO to a maintenance style CEO has been like for somebody who thinks in systems and who is comfortable with consistency.
March 30, 2021

Starting With the End in Mind and Reverse Engineering the Plan with Ryan Lazanis

Most of us are creating businesses that tie us to a physical place and set hours. But oftentimes, the life we want to live doesn’t always align with the businesses we create. When I started ScaleSpark, I designed it from the…
March 23, 2021

What Does Maintenance Mode Look Like? featuring Ryan Lazanis, Anna Wolf, and Tamara Kemper

For this episode, I wanted to figure out what maintenance mode means to different people and what it looks like in different kinds of businesses. I started asking podcast guests and people around me what maintenance mode mea…
March 16, 2021

The Best of Break the Ceiling – Michelle Warner

For the past couple of weeks, I've been re-releasing episodes that are the best cuts from three of my very favorite Break The Ceiling Episodes. This week—and our last Best of Break The Ceiling—I'm revisiting my interview…
March 9, 2021

The Best of Break the Ceiling – Charlie Gilkey

For the next three weeks, I'm going to re-release episodes that are the best cuts from three of my very favorite Break The Ceiling Episodes. This week, I'm revisiting my interview with Charlie Gilkey where we talked about …
March 2, 2021

The Best of Break the Ceiling – Justin Jackson

For the next three weeks, I'm going to re-release episodes that are the best cuts from three of my very favorite Break The Ceiling Episodes. This week, I'm revisiting my interview with Justin Jackson, co-founder of transisto…
Feb. 23, 2021

Leaving Social Media and Re-Investing in Organic Growth with Nathalie Lussier

Social media is a major marketing channel for LOTS of small businesses, and it's an important part of the decision-making process if you're thinking about your own marketing from a perspective of privacy, so I wanted to brin…
Feb. 16, 2021

Why SEO is Well-Suited For Privacy-Focused Marketing with Kim Herrington

Kim has been instrumental in helping me execute my privacy-focused marketing strategy and keeps me up to date on changes in the marketing and digital privacy world. Key Takeaways: - What Kim’s done for me behind-the-s…
Feb. 9, 2021

Security and Digital Privacy Concerns for Small Businesses with Jessica Robinson

Jessica Robinson is an outsourced Chief Information Security Officer, founder, and CEO of PurePoint International and an expert in data security, cyber risk, and privacy. PurePoint International provides cybersecurity consul…
Feb. 2, 2021

Growing a Business With Digital Privacy as a Priority with Paul Jarvis

Paul and his cofounder, Jack Ellis, are two of my go-to experts on both digital privacy AND on the logistics of how to build that ethos into the DNA of your company. It's a core value for them as well, so they have to naviga…
Jan. 26, 2021

Make Financial Choices and Business Decisions Based on Your Definition of Success with Brian Plain

Brian helps clients figure out what to do with their finances and helps them figure out a plan to meet their financial goals. A lot of that work means really examining what success means, what enough means, and recognizing t…
Jan. 19, 2021

Making "Enough" in Our Business with Rita Barry

Rita Barry is a certified measurement marketer. She founded her company, a boutique digital marketing optimization consultancy based in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, in 2009. Rita deals with numbers and measuring success all…
Jan. 12, 2021

Understanding Our Money Mindset Lineage with Bear Hebert

Once we understand how the system we live in impacts our relationship with money, we can start thinking about it in a much broader view -- and we can start considering using our businesses as a means to start evening out som…
Jan. 5, 2021

Why We Buy The Things We Buy with Margo Aaron

WHY do we buy what we buy? That's what I want to know. And, as it happens, I know someone who LOVES geeking out on buying and marketing psychology. When I want to nerd out on the psychology behind marketing, Margo Aaron is m…
Dec. 22, 2020

Increasing Profits Through a Revenue Sharing Structure with Lacey Sites

We've been talking this month about creative strategies around pricing or packaging your services. And as part of that exploration, I wanted to re-air an interview that I did with Lacey Sites from a Lit Up Life in 2019. …
Dec. 15, 2020

Combining Intensive Service Offerings with Recurring Revenue with Hunter Niland Welling

Today, I'm talking to Hunter Niland Welling – marketing consultant and coach for women growing high-end service-based businesses. I wanted to bring Hunter on the podcast because she has a way of working with her clients that…
Dec. 8, 2020

Building Long-Term Relationships as a Core Strategy with Rob Howard

Meet Rob Howard, the founder and CEO of Howard Development & Consulting, the web development firm that creative agencies trust when every pixel matters. One of Rob’s core values is building relationships—and not just…
Dec. 1, 2020

Pricing Strategies Through a Lens of Justice With Kate Strathmann

You can use your pricing to create exclusivity—BUT, you can also use your pricing to create access and to start moving towards using your business to create more social and economic justice. Kate Strathmann spends a lot …
Nov. 24, 2020

Managing Increased Demand When You Have Less Capacity with Alethea Cheng Fitzpatrick

Alethea Cheng Fitzpatrick and I talk about what happens when things go BOOM and you have to figure out how to manage that boom in your business at a time when your personal situation might actually mean that you have less ti…
Nov. 17, 2020

Managing Through The Worst Case Scenario with Lauren Caselli

Lauren's been through a MASSIVE change this year, so I wanted to bring her back on the show to talk about how she's been managing the impact on her business. Lauren used to run an event planning business for tech, and after …